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Wednesday, February 04, 2009


My first .NET runtime wishlist item

Heh, I came up with this while coding a patch for Banshee:

public class TestStaticInits
  public static readonly X var = new X ("Hello" + world);
  private static string world = " World";

public class X
  public X (string s)
    Console.WriteLine (s);

  public override string ToString () { return "Bye"; }

public class WishList
  public static int Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine (TestStaticInits.var.ToString ());
    return 0;

Shouldn't this print Hello World instead of just Hello? Basic initializations should have more priority than those involving constructors :)

At least it works if you replace the second static with const... But this confused me a bit for a while. So definitely something the compiler could warn about (ok, Gendarme is another candidate too).

UPDATE: And anyway, if we accept that our runtime is not so clever, it should give a NRE instead of printing Hello, right? You cannot concatenate a string with null. So is this a .NET bug?

UPDATE: Doh! I could have sworn that I got a lot of NRE's in the past when coding this Console.WriteLine ("Hey" + null); (I mean, when using a var and not protecting against null). Thanks for all the comments.

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